Category Archives: Blog

What you told us

Thank you very much to the thousands of you who have had your say on the council’s budget and priorities through YouChoose, our public consultation campaign. You have written, emailed, discussed, petitioned, and even tweeted your thoughts on the way the council proposed to face up to its financial challenge. Where you wanted the council […]

Thank you from the Leader

The eight week consultation period on our draft budget proposals and council plan has now ended. I would like to thank all of you who have taken the time to get involved and have contributed your opinions and priorities to the budget setting process.

The volume of responses that we have received over the internet, by post, and in person at the various events that have taken place over the past eight weeks have been remarkable. Your input is invaluable in helping us to shape and deliver services to best suit your needs and is very much appreciated.

As you are well aware, this year has presented significant financial challenges for us as a country as well as a county. As a result of a greatly reduced budget from Central Government, we have had a very difficult task of deciding where over £68 million of savings could be made in this financial year.

Throughout the consultation period weekly reports have been produced to update the Council on issues raised and alternative suggestions. This data is currently being analysed, and a summary of what you have said will be posted on this website next week.

The findings from the consultation process will then be used to inform the final Council decision on the 24th February, 2011 and will help to ensure that we can provide you with the services you need most with the resources we have.

Thank you once again.

Cllr. Jim Harker
Leader of Northamptonshire County Council

Cllr. David Mackintosh – The Draft Budget Consultation

This week we launched for consultation the county council’s draft budget and council plan, two hugely important documents that will shape the future of council services across our county. These draft plans have been in development for a number of months and now we have opened them up to scrutiny by the public and our […]

Cllr. David Mackintosh on the Importance of Consultation

Our You Choose campaign earlier this year gave people the opportunity to tell us which council services they value and help us decide where to prioritise knowing that we have to make over £100 million of savings over four years. The events with the Police Authority have been a good way of explaining to local […]

A challenge which involves you

Welcome to our website where we hope you will join us in shaping the future of council services. Northamptonshire County Council is facing unprecedented financial challenges. The money we get through council tax represents a small proportion of the money we spend on services. A large part of our funding comes direct from government and […]